M. Andrew Lenhart
A bit about me…
Relationships, my entire life has been about relationships. I grew up in Tidewater Virginia. I started working early around the age of 10. I began my Cosmetology Degree while I was still in High School, the summer between my 9th and 10th grades. Yea, I know I was 15…Doing this during High School actually kept me on track scholastically because I had to maintain a B average to continue in the Cosmetology Program at Jan Mar Academy. To be clear, until that point I had never enjoyed school, but this opportunity helped me to focus on a bigger picture. All while growing my artistic side and people skills.
I completed my degree and passed the VA State Board in the spring of my 11th grade year. I aquired a good full-time job at a reputable salon that allowed me to finish both the 11th and 12th grades by allowing me to work around my school schedule. My boss said it was the first time they ever had to let an employee take a day off to attend their own high school graduation.
I can say that early in life, I learned that RELATIONSHIPS are how anything and everything gets accomplished. I learned to meet people where they are, not where I wished them to be. My grandparents instilled in me the desire to be of help and of service, to never judge and have empathy for others. I have been in the business of helping people feel good my entire life, I guess it’s my calling.
I moved to Chapel Hill, North Carolina in the fall of 1984. Over the years, I took the oppurtunities presented to me by living in a college town surounded by some of the best universities in the country to continue my education. I opened my own Haircolour Studio (1988), and on to a Full Service Salon and Spa (1998). During this time I continued to work for Hair Color Manufactures teaching Chemistry and Artistic placement. With my combined knowledge of chemistry, presentation skills, and business background the rest is history. Life is a never ending educational experience if you allow it.
As you look over this site, you will undoubtedly see that I have several varying Degrees in several fields of study. I am at this very moment working on my doctorate in Nursing and Family Practice. I hold many certifications and combined they give me an unmatched ability to help people along their individual path, in reaching their personal goals of being the best possible version of themselves.
You will also note that I am running two separate business, but do not be fooled, the line between them is easily blurred as all my degrees and certifacations allow me a unique perspective in helping individuals reach their personal and individual goals.
I look forward to collaborating you,
Best regards